We survived the heat! Although we didn't win the State tournament, my middle son hit his first out of the park home run. He kept the ball and we wrote the date on it. It is such a momentous occasion. We knew he was capable but you just can't plan those things. He was so proud...we were too!
We celebrated with Apple Pie...just to make it patriotic?
We are changing things up this year for the fourth at our house. All of the boys are headed to scout camp in the morning and my daughter is enjoying the fireworks at my parents on the lake in southern Kansas. Me...I am just excited to be getting things crossed off my list.
The flag is out and flying high at our house.
Even though we are in and out. Last year out pastor read out of the Patriotic bible during the month of July and it was so moving to see the basis of our country and how it was built around faith. At Christmas I had a Patriotic bible inscribed with our family name and left it out on the coffee table for the kids to reference.
I keep a patriotic primer in the half bath for those necessary reading times. It helps fill in those blanks that keep popping up. Last week I asked the my oldest if he knew what "One if by land, two if by sea" referenced? He had no idea...looks like he needs to spend more time with the primer....I do not want to see any of my kids on Leno's Jaywalking?

My favorite finds a few years ago for my daughter Claire were the Lynne Cheney books about U.S. History, First Ladies, and prominent battles of the Civil War. All of them can be found at Amazon. They look like fantastic picture books but they are full of wonderful history lessons.
As American history grows each day I know that it is difficult for schools to cover it all. Michael and I try hard to fill in the blanks as much as we can.
Enjoy all your picnics and fireworks.
Happy Independence Day!

I understand about the heat....it was 121 degress here in Mesa yesterday according to the weatherman.....I am going to be home for a few days now, this going back and forth to the hospital has done me in! Scott is now in rehab and close to his kids....so we are going to let them take it from here.....I am going to be putting on a new post soon, you have to see the cute party favors I got from Carol at Old Glory Cottage! :):) Sandy
Congratulations to your son. What an exciting moment. Apple Pie sounds like a great way to celebrate.
Happy 4th of July.
Congratulations to your son!! That has got to be so exciting for him, and for you!!!
We have a break from the heat this eveing. A few storms blew in and we actually got some rain. Let me tell you, I feel so much better. Funny how rain can do that!
I hope all of your kids have a great time. I know having my family away, I can get so much done. I have a race to see how much I can get done before they get home!!!Enjoy!!!
Happy 4th!!
Sandy, I read your comment to Renee, and Oh my. I have no room to complain about the heat. 121 is waaaaay, too hot. I don't know if I could take that. Hope you have some relief soon.
The little rain storm really cooled things off today, didn't it? So nice! Congrats to your son on hitting that ball out of the park. I think apple pie is a wonderful way to celebrate! Enjoy your quiet time!
Love apple pie and kids hitting home runs.
Flags out on holiday's we do it here too and other days sometimes just for the heck of it. We have a big Alaska flag now that goes along side. The California Bear Flag is close to my heart however as my Great Grandmother (Lucinda Hudson) sewed the red stripe on it as goes the family history.
Big congrats to your son and the perfect way to celebrate.
enjoy that quiet time...sounds like it will be a productive one.
Congratulations to your Son, what a great time Apple Pie sounds wonderful. Have a Great 4th we should be with family that's always a great thing. oxox, Diane
Yay for your son, Renee! Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!
Is the picture of your Chair of Roses new? OMG! To DIE gorgeous! I think that pattern is THE most beautiful Wilender tablecloth ever made! Did you blog about the chair (I scrolled through your older posts and didn't see anything???).
In case you haven't seen it, I mentioned your blog and included a link...http://retrorevivalbiz.blogspot.com/2011/06/traveling-friendship-bag.html
With a smile,
Congrats to your son! We're not having our usual party this year, and I'm so grateful to be able to spend this day quietly with my immediate family, and then some fireworks. Love your idea of having something educational in the bathroom!
Happy 4th!
I can tell you are one proud Momma. That's just fabulous news for your son. Enjoy your "quiet" day. It sounds like you've been on the run all weekend. You always have the BEST vintage images to share on your blog. Thank you!
Happy 4th of July, dear friend!
PS. You'll have to see my latest blog post. My mother gave me vintage apron beverage covers. They even have tiny pockets. Too fun!
Hi Renee
Happy 4th to you and yours and congrats to your baby boy :) what fun for him and you ! I've commented on your chair before but I have to repeat, I love it ... it makes me smile !! E in TN
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