Lucy and Ethel? That's the memory I get from this card. Ethel has a real hanky in her hand and Lucy is sporting cute real curls on her head. Just a couple of neighbors talking across the line. I spent hours watching that show. Genuine good t.v. just as genuine as the sweet card image. It was a nice find among the other thrift store goodies today.
Claire has claimed this beauty. Bear with me for a moment. Do you see the Parent Trap ranch house correlation I see. Just the jeep is missing. Well, that and Haley Mills.
Decked out all ready with gingham curtains and sixties colors. We are thinking about starting a real estate company for our sweet tin collection. You know that way it will always be an investment when we buy one. Right?
Awnings that scallop and scroll...making us swoon. The only mark is the R on the top?
1972 Fisher Price Happy Apple...checking that off the list! I will have you know my kiddos asked what it does? Good grief! Darling decal tin and yes another Magpie shelf (I need it!).
Vintage Christmas all over the place today. Lantern ornaments. Hugging elves. Mercury beads and a sweet little star/chenille stem ornament that will have to be recreated for Christmas.
Tags...tags...and more tags.
Looks like they run the era gamut.
Some are marked Hallmark.
Each of them cuter than the ones before. Claire and I have had so much fun together browsing the thrift stores and hunting at the flea markets. I am worried I might tire of the apple noise if I don't hide it though...

LOVE the Christmas paper finds!!!Paper is one of my favorite things to collect. I'll be garage sailing tomorrow!!
Deb :)
The new little house is darling!! I love doll houses too. About a year ago Mission Road Antique Mall had several for sale and I took pictures and did a post. So many cute ones. I love all the little vintage Christmas tags you found. LOVE those. Christmas is my favorite time of year!
Yikes! You found that doll house at a thrift store??? What luck! All of your things today are the Christmas tags, too. The "Lucy & Ethel" card is does remind you of those 2 wacky women. I just watched an episode the other an ungodly hour of the morning. Just as funny now as it was in the 50's.
sweet finds, renee. i don't blame claire one bit, for wanting to claim that darling doll house. smart girl you have there, miss renee.
(i hope your recent order from ck arrived in a more timely fashion? :) )
I had one like that when I was little. Thanks for stopping by Cozy Blanket.
Oh those Christmas vintage ornaments are just too cute, love all the tags too so sweet.
Looks like you and Claire had a blast. I do see the parent trap style house I love that movie along with I love lucy as well. Love all your finds. What great treasures.
Not a bad haul at all! Claire seems to be a good partner in your thrifting. Good job on the Magpie shelf....
The dollhouse reminds me of the one I had as a child and ... one night a week I was allowed to stay up past my bedtime. It was 'Lucy night' when I got to watch 'I love Lucy.' :-)
You found some great items! Love all the Christmas tags! My favorite is the F-P Melody Chime Apple, though, because I still have one from my children & my grandchildren have also all enjoyed playing with it! It's always been one of my favorites - I love toys!
Jane - Jacksonville
I love the card you found! Think I heard a commerical saying it's Lucille Ball's 100th birthday and a marathon of I Love Lucy episodes is slated for the weekend ~ yay! Also, the apple you found? My son had one ~ seeing your picture brought back sweet memories:)
Darling finds. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't stop buying dollhouses. Your Christmas goodies are so sweet. Those elves and Christmas tags are just charming.
Oh such treasures! I just might have to go out treasure hunting today. You've inspired me!
Ha-ha! Happy makes the best little noise, doesn't he? Mine sits up high on a shelf but the grands occasionally want him down to make some noise with!
I LOVE Santa's dotty chair! Too cute!
And yes, all that's missing is Haley in that house! Do you know that I get teary eyed when I watch that movie?! :)
Oh My, Renee, you found some great goodies!
That card is totally Lucy and Ethel!
I always wanted one of those doll houses when I was little and never did get one. I really do need to buy myself one now, don't you think? What are you going to call your Real Estate company?
Wow, what a haul!!
Look at all the fun you brought home!! I loved Lucy and Ethel too. You should see my sister in law's kitchen. It's all aqua and blue with I Love Lucy collectibles everywhere. I'll take a picture some time.
Man, I can't believe what great stuff you get at thrift stores...all they ever have out here is the 80s yucky stuff. I have to search weekly just to find the rare vintage type thing & I've never ever seen a tin dollhouse. I love the old movie Parent Trap so I know what you're talking about...I love Lucy is always on here on the weekends. :)
Renee, I wanted to let you kow that while I was out antiquing Saturday, I found a metal Motel! It was sooo cool. I didn't look at the price, but I am sure it wasn't too cheap. I had no idea they ever made a motel!
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