A few weeks ago I received an envelope from Linda of LBP Sews. She had written to see if I was interested in some transfers that she had found. Never one to turn down transfers this envelope held some of the most beautiful transfer patterns I have ever seen.
I had no idea that Sears Roebuck made transfers. Betty Burton produced these transfers exclusively for Sears in the 20's and 30's. There are over 100 images in this packet and only one is missing. I couldn't be luckier.
This week I am sharing the amazing days of the week homemaker with her exquisite art deco shape.
Download original image here.
Download original image here.
(Oh, you can't do this everyday?)
Download original image here.
Download original image here.
Download original image here.
Download original image here.
I imagine these on a sweet set of towels. Perhaps a quilt without the words. A pillow or even a Bible cover.
A few of you asked for the images that I used on the little notebooks. I bought these vintage nursery transfer patterns off eBay a while back. They are the perfect tiny size.
Download original image here.
Thank you Linda for a wonderful treasure.

What fabulous transfers. I just love happy endings. Thank you for sharing them with us too. Someday, I will stitch without fear!
What a LOVELY treat. They are just simply Adorable and Certainly priceless. Can't wait to see what you do with these. :)
Oh my!! What a sweet gift!! The images are just too cute for words!!
Oh, how fun are these transfers!! LOve them, and those bunnies are absolutely the sweetest! Thanks for always being so generous in sharing your patterns!! xo Heather
Oh my, didn't every Grandma teach us that? 'Wash on Monday, iron on Tuesday... Cute, cute, cute!
What a lucky girl. The transfers are GREAT. Thank you so much for sharing. I want to try your little bunnies.
Wonderful images on those..and they went to the perfect person.
Renee, Thank you so much for these very special transfers. These I have to stitch! Elizabeth
Cute, cute, cute!!! Thank you for your generosity of sharing. I enjoy these old patterns so much. Pat Mc
Cute, cute, cute!!! Thank you for your generosity of sharing. I enjoy these old patterns so much. Pat Mc
they are adorable! i love the idea for the Bible cover! my sister and i were looking for some ideas for Christmas presents, and that would make a GREAT gift! :) thank you for sharing them!
Oh, those are charming! I've never seen that design anywhere. I can almost see that dress as an applique. (In a small-print feedsack. On some old toweling. I could do this!) p.s. Did you really leave a frown on my blog? You make me laugh. :-( back atcha
OMGosh, if only my hands were able to still do stitching!!!!! Those are freakin' adorable.
Oh, Renee....Linda has sent you the sweetest transfers! You will have so much fun stitching up something adorable! Can't wait to see what you do using them.
Have a great Tuesday, my dear friend!
Carolynn. xo
I really like those!! What a sweet gift!!!
I have a special place in my heart for these DOW transfers, with Tuesday being my favorite. As a vintage linen hoarder who does entirely too much ironing, I used to collect Tuesday towels. For all I know I still have them somewhere in my hoard/stash. Lovely collection!!
What a find, they are beautiful Renee!
I love day of the week towels!! I have never seen these images before. Thanks for sharing.
Amy Jo
Hello my dear friend, how are you?!
How cute, I loved it!
When posting beautiful things, is not it? Congratulations!
A big hug and God bless you.
I am so glad you liked the transfers! I thought they were adorable but knowing my time restraints and eye sight, I knew you would get more good from them than me! I love the Bible cover idea...
Those are precious transfers. What a nice gift. I didn't know Sears did that either. Love the bunnies from your notebook too. I hope you're enjoying these days when the kids are back in school!
As I did washing yesterday...it hit me...how did we know that Monday was laundry day? Grandma and the dishtowels told us so! So cute! =D
Those are amazing. I want to download them, but I have never even embroidered a stitch in my life! These are so cute I might start today!
Oh those are the sweetest transfers! So lucky!! Thanks so much for always sharing them :) Have a lovely day! xo Holly
Such sweet transfer patterns! You're so good to share them!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all we had to do was the things listed: Wash on Monday, etc.?!
Of course, we wouldn't have lovely blogs to visit then, would we?
I love these little transfers and that you so much for sharing them with us. I love to embroider and these would be darling in my kitchen!! Thank you again.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
These are really cute deco look transfers. I love the church on Sunday gal. And the bunnies too, of course.
aahh those are gorgeous i love the last one so cute ;-) What a wonderful gift. dee x
Very cute! Are the little dots to follow?
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