Practical Pig, Play Pig and Sailor Pig. Hmm...I know I am by all regards Practical Pig but I have to say that I would be most comfortable in Sailor Pigs outfit. II do hope I don;t snarl through the day with that look on my face like that P.P. does?
Now I know that Play Pig would be living in this Pink house. Can you believe how much this looks like a dollhouse. The estate sale was across the street.
This is the ugly part of estate sales. Hot houses filled with boxes and dust, basements that smell and items that have been covered in grease and dust for years.
After a quick sort...this is the bad...all the stuff that didn't make the cut. Curlers that were in the tin, old wax candles in a grab bag with an alka seltzer bottle I wanted and a few 80's Christmas balls that have seen their last day. All trash.
The good. Beautiful Rudolph Christmas book, tiny records, empty box of Christmas candy (free) because it held the ornaments. Every thing has been cleaned and wiped free of dust.
I just couldn't leave them.
Only two little linens but this fridge was amazing.
At a mere four inches these treats are calorie free.
A few items for Dr. Dan's room that is still under construction.
(We cannot put the oil based paint on the shelves until it cools down.)
Pink pottery, tin and Whitman cards.
(Reagan gets on this quilt every single time I get it out.)
Kitchen favorites.
This jar was on the back porch and so dirty I nearly left it. Wait until I get my beach glass in it.
Sew on Rhinestones in 50's colors. Hoops from a bag and an assortment of hooks found in the alka seltzer bottles?
What I left behind were tin dollhouses and barns priced well over their worth. A Sears Catalog from 1953 was bargain priced at $49? Children's books marked above eBay prices. Its all going to be there on half price day and that is still way too much for me.

SQUEAL! That teeny tiny refrigerator is simply adorable. Love all your Christmas goodies. I'm glad you rescued a few treasures. Too bad the dollhouses were out of price. Tomorrow, I'm taking my mother out for her birthday. She needs some antiquing fun. So do I. Hugs.
No kidding eBay prices on books and not on those adorable Xmas ornaments?Lucky you! Dr. Dan will let you decorate 'his room'? I was told it was 'his library' and I was not allowed to decorate it for him! Hee hee!
I want to live in the pink house!! Your treasures are great, you were a lucky girl.
Amy Jo
I love that someone has more guts than an painted their house pink! Not sure if it's my cup of tea but it's definitely fun to look at and it looks jut like a sweet dollhouse.
That little refrigerator is *AMAZING*! Why am I drawn to tiny appliances?! So happy it went home with you. :-)
Okay I am Seriously contemplating taking a trip out your way... You have the BEST estate sales!! And what a better estate sale to go to then across from a PINK house!!! I think I would of been knocking on the door pretending to be a Blinds Sales Lady... Just to get inside and take a peek... LOL!!!
Not sure what went wrong but that sentence should read: I love that someone has more guts than I do and painted their house pink!
Oops. ;-)
I would not have been able to pass on the Rudolph book or tiny records either! And the tiny fridge, just too cute. That glass jar you rescued - I recognize that etched pattern, it's Princess House crystal - NICE find!!
I've never been to an estate sale but you have me wanting to try them!
Oh Renee! You are one lucky girl I tell you! Even if all you came away with was the little fridge it was incredible!!!!!! I love ti all, and yes, that house looks like a doll house.....Where is all of this stuff going??????
I am anxious to see how Dr. Dan's room comes out....:)
Oh boy you did GREAT. I could not of left the Christmas balls behind either. Your glass jar looks like Princess House? The estates sales here have been way over priced. So not many goodies have been coming home with me.
Such a fun bunch of goodies you got! I would have made a beeline for the same things! LOVE that refrigerator too! Sharing your stuff with us is almost as good as being there!
You did great!! Love the fridge and all those gorgeous ornaments!! What a neat pink house! Yay, for a good estate sale!!! xo Heather
I often have to do the sort and keep pile when you buy a hodge podge bag of stuff. Great finds tho! Love that fridge...LOVE! I can't tell you how many curlers I run across for sale..if only I could think of a craft to put them to use!
Oh, what great finds!! Not sure which is my favorite...well, for sure the pink house cute!! the little fridge too..but I think I love the little records best!!
Oh Renee, what an awesome haul! I know what you mean about that stuff they think is just a bit too special but you still gleaned out some fab scores. Well done!
Oh my gosh, that little refrigerator is the cutest!! And the linens are lovely. That pink house really does look like a dolly house! :-)
That tiny fridge is my favorite thing you found. So cute!
There has been no good sales here. I am hoping some good sales Saturday. Happy weekend.
i know all about the ugly at estate sales! i really loathe having to clean my treasures when i get home, and some things are just too dirty and gross to buy even if they are cute. you got some amazing, adorable finds...that little fridge! so darn cute :)
Haaa! I know what that's like...You want just one great thing in a plastic bag full of garbage. I can't stand to even walk around with it! I feel like it's cluttering up my collection of things. Sometimes I even try to leave it at the Estate Sale so that it doesn't have to be in my car! LOVE the fridge! And of course the x-mas.
Erica :)
Well...You win lose some! Sorry you were disappointed with the estate sale....But, oh, the tiny little refrigerator! You probably found the only one left in the country! It is so vintage and so unique!
Have a great weekend, sweet Renee!
Carolynn xoxo
Oh I see you got a band aide box like mine! Did yours have any band aides in it?
That little refrigerator is the sweetest thing! Too cute. I think maybe your glass jar is Princess House,so that was a good score too! For some reason there hasn't been nearly as many estate sales this summer as there usually is in our area. Maybe a good thing for my purse!
The little fridge is adorable. You made out like a bandit. Sounds like great prices. Hope you find more treasures if you go back!
That tiny fridge is so cute! You found some great things! :) Smiles to you and hope you have a happy weekend! xo Holly
Wow Renee what a bunch of stuff. I adore the fridge. I bought my son one brand new in a catalog years ago, must be 20 by now it was filled with fruit and other items he still has it. I have a thing for tiny fridges and have several myself, two in pink! Wish I could find some of those vintage ornaments they are the best!!
I just returned from a sale and could NOT believe how high some of her items were. I had to turn away...and then I did get a cute celluoid scottie toy for a good price and the lady tossed it into my box and broke it. Soooo heart broken..and it was a 150.00 piece. Now it sits broken in a display case of mine.
You sure scored some cute things! And yes, that pink house would be a perfect pig house.
Don't you just hate it when they price things so high that you just can't justify buying them?
That fridge is so darn adorable!!!
That fridge! Oh, that fridge! So cute!!!
Well, even if there was a lot of overpriced stuff, you managed to find excellent stuff. At the risk of repeating, well, everyone: that refrigerator!!!
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