Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Mother's Day Trade!

Sewing is such a stress reliever for me.  The hum of the machine.  Geometric seam lines.  Control all my own.  Making something from anything.  I love it all.  Fabric is my canvas.  Thread is my paint.  
With all of this in mind I had no problem saying yes to a friend when she asked me to make her mother an apron for Mother's Day.

These have been sitting on my desk for a few weeks itching to be stitched.

Last week I spent an hour or two going over old apron patterns.  The geometric patterns on the skirts really caught my eye.  Giving this one a bit of a change from the last few.  

Now with the skirt in check and the bib in position...I have to figure out what to do with the waist band.  I know that I will be doing it in the blue fabric.  I am off to flickr, Etsy, and google image for ideas. (Loving those ruffles that round to the back.)

This is apron is going to Mary Poppins in the flesh.  She had five children and didn't drive until she was in her late 30's.  Ruled her home with a rolling pin.  Made everything from scratch.  I could go on and on.  Generously opening her home to my family for holidays, Miss Gerry is one of a kind. A true inspiration. In return for the apron I requested a meal!   Amy has the best enchiladas and that is one less meal to cook and clean up.  What a deal.


Nan said...

She sounds like a gem and judging by your sewing skills with aprons she will adore hers.

Musings from Kim K. said...

How lovely. I'm sure she will appreciate the time that you put into her special apron. How fun that you get a lovely dinner out of it too!

donna said...

Your apron is going to be fabulous. I love it already. I know she will treasure it. Can not wait to see the finished apron. Love love your pictures.

koralee said...

What an adorable blog..just popped over from Sewn with Grace. Your apron will be adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh! This is SEW sweet! :)

Betty said...

Oh my gosh Renee!! That apron is "sew" cute!! You are an artist with your sewing machine!