My style has evolved over the years. Sure, there are somethings that have remained the same but as I have aged I have definitely stopped listening to others and started listening more to myself.
I suppose being able to purchase what I want is part of that. One thing that has always remained are the graceful lines of french Provencal furniture. In listening to myself when I saw this lovely chair last week at the market I jumped at the chance to turn an badly aged chair into a vintage beauty.
Legs that curve and swerve into shapely commas.
Arms that dart and turn. Already worn with age.
Carvings long lost in wood glue...will soon be on parade in milky white paint.
Double welting that follows the curve all the way around the back.
The seat cushion is filled to the brim with goose feathers. All she needs is reupholstering and a coat of chalk paint. I think the tablecloths will look divine on her. She looks like a chair I could stitch in for hours. It is all about the curves....

Hi Renee,
I also see the potential you saw in purchasing this chair,I look forward to seeing the outcome! Have fun!
I can't wait to see it the make over, Renne!! One of the greatest things about growing up, is not listening to others! :)
Renee I can not wait to see your chair finished. You always do a lovely job. I agree with tables will look wonderful.
love the curves on your newest project, renee.
covered in vintage tablecloths? be still my heart.
Curves are good in my book and that chair is awesome. Can't wait to see the redo...get busy!
Ooohh I do love me some curves...and of course a little plump here and
Comfortable and grand to look at...or at least that what my hubbie
Can't wait to see the finished project..I have my grandma's chair..I sooo want to re-do take good pictures and notes on the how too's please ma'am!!
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
I like curves, just don't get that or the quality and detail in today's furniture. Are you going to re-upholster yourself? I took a class and it was pretty tough for me, but some people really took to it and did a great job.
My grandmother had a very similar french Provencal chair at her home and my mother now has it at her house. It's always been a favorite. I can't wait to see what you do with your chair...especially the idea of vintage tablecloths.
that chair is a thing of beauty!
always a fan of a curve (as opposed to a bulge!) - look forward to seeing her all pimped up...
fee x
I have such a mix of likes when it comes to furniture...guess that's why my house looks kinda hodge-podge. However, I have found that if I really like will "work" with the rest of our accumulation. I am a curve lover, too, especially when I started looking for newer pieces for this house. While I didn't really gravitate to them prior to moving here....I sure do now. :) Your chair is truly a winner...and I'm certain it will be even neater once you add your touches to it!
Aren't we having the most AMAZING weather in KC ? It's just the best string of lovely days we've had in years. Hubs and I are planning on attending the Maker's Faire at Union Station sometime this weekend...I hope the showers old off as part of the event is out doors.
Have a great weekend!! dana
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