My husband called yesterday and asked what I was doing. "I'm moving." I pronounced. "Where? Michigan? He asked without even missing a beat. He knows my favorite place. " room." I sighed. "Left to right or right to left?" he asks. He knows me too well. "What's for lunch?" I ask knowing that he always gets the good stuff at the office as I get back to hunting dust bunnies. I love the normalcy of our life.
Big changes this time. I took out the little green Irmi dresser because the bottom drawer finally broke beyond repair. Then I moved the wood dresser out into the family room to replace it with a bigger dresser. Is everyone still with me?
I moved my pink spun head shelves over to the wall with the nursery shelf. The next morning I came down to find them on the floor! It appeared to be a stairway to no where for the cat. Nothing hurt thank heaven. (see the empty shelf...there is still room for more spun heads!)
A working L. Desk to sewing machine works great. If I can just get on a project and stop moving things...
My tray wall got a little more tin with the house added above. Below the trays I pulled in a vintage dresser from the family room that was all dressed in red. Thinking it would need to be painted, I am enjoying the bright happy color and weight it has brought to the room.
Sewing corner complete with hamper. New Ott light for failing eyesight. Switched out my vintage cards on the rack for patterns. Darling duck shelf holds sweet sewing notions now.
Lefton nurses in the perfect shade of blue. I love when perfection just happens.
Never fear...irmi handles will re-appear. This time in primary colors.
All of the Irmi handles were popped off the failed green dresser. I enjoy them all year round in my gum ball jar.
Perhaps the best part of all...a window view. Almost! Well I can see it from the door way. I will be able to watch the leaves fall. Smell the north wind. Watch the snowflakes fall. It is going to be great. Thanks for entertaining my need to control the clutter. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What an adorable space you have. I had to click on all the pictures to enlarge them so I could see every little detail. You have some really cute stuff. Thanks for the tour.
Your room looks wonderful and inspiring and will surely have your thinking hat in overdrive!
I love your space. It's so cheery! I'm hoping to start my sewing room redo in January...too many other projects going on in the meantime!
your special room is a feast for the eyes, renee. love everything, down to the last darling detail. neat and tidy, indeed.
enjoy the long weekend, my friend.
Everything looks just perfect! Good thing your cats did not decide to play with the goodies on the shelves.. I know my pup Charlie would have. I love all your darling Vintage elements great inspiration in that Studio! Hugs, Diane
DID YOU HEAR ME SCREAM!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!
My Heart cant take it!!!! Its a TOTAL DEARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful room! Such a dreamy place!
Oh, my, there's so much to look at & examine! I'll have to come back again soon to admire more of the details of your oh, so cute room! Your chair of roses looks great next to the red dresser. I love the old Fisher-Price toys - still have the chime apple & lots of the Little People. It's so cute & creative to store the scissors in the pounding bench, as well as the baby vases. What a darling place to work & play!
What a beautiful arrangement you have there. I love all your sweet vintage items.
Thanks for the nice comments too over on my blog. Nan
Okay, so how does this work??? Do I just start choosing things I want and you take them down, pack em' and send em' to me??? Right? How about I make it real easy on you........just send me everything.....okay? Oh, this isn't a shopping post? Poop! fine. Well just wait and see what's coming on my blog.....keep your eyes open!
Your room is perfect! I want mine to ahve more of the "feel" of you know that we have the same dining room table/desk? It was just like that only with white legs and lighter wood when I got mine. Now it has red legs and an oilcloth top....I had to laugh. I wish my room was large enough to have an "L" in the middle like that....I am still contemplating having a closet whole wall out about 2.5 feel or would make the room tinier, but cozy and less cluttered! I see by other comment everyone feels the same about your incredible space! Sndy
Renee I just love your room. You have the most beautiful treasures.
Double clicking on all photos to see it ALL! Love looking at a person's creative space...great flip flopping about and love the tray wall. Glad the stairway to no where suffered no casualties!
I never grow tired of seeing your studio. It's always inspiring. I spent hours crafting last night and turned mine into a royal mess. The girls want to craft today and I guess I need to pick up the room well enough for a usable work-space.
PS. I laughed out-loud when I read that your husband asked if you were moving to MI. You'd be welcome anytime and I'd be happy to show you all my favorite thrift/antique stores. I'd share happily!! Hugs!
oh, just love it all! Your little purple doll dresser gets me every time! I'm going to need to start getting creative and hang some dollhouses, etc. on my walls like you've done, because I'm running out of shelf space. However, I'm also out of wall space...hmmmm!
Your room reminds of me of candy shop. So much "goodness" in there. So cute.
I'm with Meri, please let me know how I make my requests, and I'll give you my address so you can send me stuff. Unbelievable. I am just sitting here with my mouth open. I love that room so much I can hardly control myself. I heard Keren screaming all the way here in Wisconsin. Well, I love my sewing room too but yours is unbelievable. I also really wish I had a window, but mine is in the basement. I think that is the thing I miss the most.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. It's good to be back. I had such a busy summer it was incredible. I promise to post much more often. Some day you will write and say, enough already!!! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that room.
Big hugs,
I LOVE it all!! But those dollhouses and little painted dressers are my favorite thing!
Oh, I just love all your vintage decorations! Could you please tell me how you hang the metal trays on the wall? I have four with pine cones and I really want to hang one but not sure how. thanks.
This is my kinda workspace! I have the same taste & some of the same items...only I don't have a room. I have a corner of the family room and I am gonna make it cute & cozy if it's the last thing I do.
Have I told you lately how much I love your craft room, and how happy it makes me? If it was mine, I would have to be physically dragged out of there at the end of each day! It's so charming, and so YOU!
I am so in love with your room - beyond charming - what a GORGEOUS space!!!
Hi Renee~
I double-clicked on each picture to really get a good look around...Nosy Nellie, that's me. Your room is packed with stuff but you have done it in a most organized and appealing way. There are things to see high and low...I never tire of peeking in here. I'm glad the lamb, Joy, has found a happy home with your other figures but then I knew she would. I must go now and get the bulldozer and attempt a similiar vitory in my room-YIKES!
Waaait a minute! You had a whole day to take care of your own stuff. You were able to make it just the way YOU like it. Wow, you lead a charmed life!
Your office/craft room/work place is so darling! I absolutely love it. Glad to visit your through Rednesday!
You have a great sewing room..I truly believe "re-doing" is good for the soul...
I do it all the is good. Enjoyed my visit,have a great day..))smiles))
Oh My Dear friend Keren from FPTFY sent me over....your room is soooooooo.....Vintagely Adorable.....Signing up to follow...
You have a new friend in Michigan, I was lead over here by "free pretty things for you". I was sucked into your vortex right away with the images she posted of your craft room. I am not disappointed, your site is beautiful and I love it! Giggling too, at your sense of humor. I promptly became of follower, and popped you onto my blogroll so I can lead others over here! :0)
Coming over via Free Pretty THings- I just had to see more of this fun room!!! Oh what a little paradise you have made for yourself!!! I love it
bee blessed
Yikes! This is vintage fabulousness beyond words! Thanks for sharing the eye-candy.
This is positively adorable!Love the wonderful visuals !Thanks for posting!
beyond adorable!!! i'm new, #313!! We had that same irmi lamp, i just txt my mom to see if she still has it, 'cause now i want it!!
What a cute blog! New follower!
WONDERFUL! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!!
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