Pinterest has brought a whole different level to my sewing. Hours and hours can be wasted spent researching (thats what I tell my husband) techniques and patterns. I am ever impressed by others ideas and abilities. Always happy to follow a great thing when I see it. This darling apron has been high on my list of to sew...
The fat quarter set of Sarah Jane's Playhouse Children at Play all but jumps out at me daily from the shelf. Originally I had planned to use vintage fabric for this apron but clearly this fabric had other plans.
Another darling Pinterest idea. This pocket was easily at the top of the list for details. A vintage button to add that just so touch. know I am such a sucker. My first attempt with Kona pink caught me short of fabric. A quick (ha!) run to JoAnn's brought me home empty handed. Well, almost. I had to settle for this pink print fabric with the same hue. Not my first choice but what can you do?
Hopscotch love love.
Just a sweet and charming scalloped apron that shows off the prints perfectly.
It just makes me want to cook a batch of pink frosted cup cakes...with pearls and heels on! Almost...I think I will settle for a nice glass of iced tea.

I am smitten by this lovely design!
Wow--adorable fabric, the perfect color combination, sweet scallops, and a big bow. What more could someone want in an apron? This is just adorable. I am continually amazed by what you do!
Simply darling. Your creativity never ceases to amaze. The fabric choices are just delightful.
Fabulous apron, Renee! Oh, that Pinterest....I spend lots of time "researching",'s all for the good of our families, right?! I LOVE it!
Hope you're having a wonderful night...maybe I'll see you over there...!
Such cute fabric! And I love the scallops!! OK, pearls and iced tea then!
Super cute! I just LOVE your apron. Bows and scallops are one of my favorites. I am going to have to find some of that cute fabric. Just look at those great polka dots.
It is so cute!!
When I was a teenager in the early 60's, our neighbor was always dressed in tight straight skirts and heels. My mom and I giggled about it and felt sure any housework was done by a maid.
You are so clever - I love the fabrics you put together!
I love it! Just darling guess it's paid off with all your time on pinterest.. so keep it up your doing something right! ox
Yes I love that fabric and have had my eye on it but since I'm not quilting now but into fashion fabrics I let it pass. Love what you did with it.
Shuweet! You know I love those dots!
A quick trip into Joanns, huh? ;) My last trip in there, I told the sales lady that I was trying not to panic over all the choices!
Come by for Dotty Day and see what I got at their fat quarter sale.
I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever tried applying any vintage decals? When I bought mine at the antique mall, the cashier "warned" me that she had tried and that they were too old to work. That's why I've just scanned mine to use in crafts and hopefully make my own decals some day. ♥
Your apron is absolutely gorgeous! I love everything about it! I saw a post on Lauren Bergold's blog about her new etsy shop and I thought of you. Here's the link if you want to check it out :)
Uh, iced tea sounds much safer, and much tastier (picture you falling in your heels, and dumping cupcakes all over the floor, not to mention chipping your front tooth.....) okay, I over dramatize, but you get the idea.
Big Hugs,
Oh what a sweet Dotty apron! Love the details. I have not checked out pinterest yet. Afraid to, I would never put the comp. down. lol! Who knows how long I will be able to resist.
Just signed up for pinterest and now I know it's entirely possible that I'll disappear for days at a time. Maybe weeks. Could be much, much worse than Facebook, which I have managed to pretty much resist.
Love your fabric choices, and they all add up to such a charming apron! I wish I could join Pinterest, buy I guess you need a Facebook account, which is something I refuse to have!
Hi Renee, I just found your blog through google and I must say I'm loving it! Your aprons are so colorful and I love the fabric! It is so nice to see them being worn again! Hugs
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