All kitties eats out of a transfer ware tea cups right? I have a set of transfer ware dishes very similar to this. Happily purchased from a local garage sale. I swooped in front of a dealer and sweetly smiled at the owner. Promising to serve many holiday meals off of them. And yes, Reagan does take his meals out of an antique ironstone was twenty five cents at the thrift store!
I made a great escape on the one day that contractors were not supposed to be at my house. A visit to a long missed antique mall was far overdue. On this day the paper goods were plenty and perfectly priced. Unfortunately the painters were at my home and halfway around painting when I got home but I will spare you the gory details.
Staring down from above the rafters....I spied a sweet Irmi lamp. Right about now I had two choices...walk away or call on the desk for help to reach it. The price was okay and the piece was rare...then one of the clerks walked by and the words just flew out of my mouth without even a thought? "Could you do me a favor and hand me that lamp with the horse and cart?"
I swear it is like a vacuum hose action. The piece itself is worse for the wear. I haven't decided whether to take it apart for pieces or add on to it for another lamp? It is all up in the air for now...just as I found it.
These are the things that get me in trouble. The "I have to have it no matter the price. Because I will never be able to forget it once I leave!" A giant new baby card.
That folds out to reveal all these sweet babies. I love that fussing one on the right.
Plugging her ears! My kids still do that.
Pin curls...oh...
When did they stop doing art on the back of the card and why?
I feel the hoarding coming on with these...I cannot help myself. The charm just oozes off the pages.
Christmas was out all over the mall. This was one piece I snagged to go with my growing book collection. A Fuzzy Wuzzy book. Each year I bring out both new and old Christmas books at the holidays to read and decorate with.
This one is charming. I will be scanning in all the images for you to play with and enjoy as well. My little bag of happiness helped alleviate the pain I incurred with the painters...will this ever end?

love your finds, as always! especially the giant baby card, good heavens. love the graphics. the lamp is sweet, too... you must have a built-in honing device for irmi.
(i think you deserve to win a ck bag, too).
Those sweet kittens remind me of our little Luna (who is growing with leaps and bounds). Your lamp is just adorable and the darling babies are just too lovely for words. I don't even have Halloween packed up and I'm already starting to think about thrifting for Christmas goodies. I'm totally smitten with your book.
oohh what gorgeous finds ;-)) I adore that little baby card so much work has gone into that and how cute are the babies ;-)dee x
Love all your finds, and so nice of you to share Renee! Thanks, Marilyn
Love the lamp and the cards......the baby one is so cute. You will have to tell us the story abut the painters.
Oh my Renee what a great day thrifting ! I'm becoming the crazy cat lady and love love love images of chubby kittens can't wait to see the your other pics! The baby card is so unique I've never seen anything similar, so cute. E in TN
OMG!! What sweet finds!! Those cards are too sweet!! I love the graphics on the old cards too! Why did we go away from such sweetness?? I mean have you looked at the graphics and pictures that they put on new greeting cards?? Some of them gross me out!! OH well, we are all different, that is what makes the world go round. Oh, I love those Christmas books.
Oh, I love thee! Can those baby faces get any cuter? I love vintage chubby pink-cheeked babies..I love all vintage kids, animals but those babies are irresistible. You have the best collection of vintage graphics..the girl with the head kerchief so sweet - you always know the era when you see the kerchief worn that way.
Join the club on hoarding vintage cards...that baby card is ADORABLE. I always turn them over and look for a little graphic on the back as well. Hope that house project is over soon.
That baby card is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Love your new goods Renee! The Irmi lamps are just so sweet, I just found one at the thrift store last week! Yeah! Can't wait to post! The vintage baby card, oh so cute, don't blame you for having to have it! ;) thanks for sharing!
I'm speechless........wait, no I'm not, I'm so jealous I could spit! Nah, that won't do either, I guess I'll just morn the fact that I have to rely on others to find precious treasures like those and I only get to peruse them through blog photos or try to buy them off of Ebay for an extremely outrageous price, plus shipping!!!!!!
I know.....pity party for one! You're one lucky wench.
OH MY GOODNESS! I want that baby card so much that it hurts! You always find the best things.
Renee...that kitten picture is adorable...framing
Love looking at your Christmas finds. I don't get to shop much because of funds...but I think I will head to an Antique store tomorrow and just gaze!!
That book seems vaquely familiar...looking forward to seeing the rest of it.
Hugs Cindy
PS...can you email me your mailing address please
All delightful finds. I am partial to those vintage cards, as well. BTW, when my little kitty, Lily, was still living she took her meals from her own little set of white ironstone bowls. When she passed i discarded all of the cat stuff withing an hour because my eyes didn't want to see the reminders, but I kept the little bowls....
Oh I can hardly stand it! There's just too much adorableness in this post! Irmi, a kitty in the bed, babies that you can't hear! :)
Hmmm... maybe I need to be looking in the rafters for some Irmi! Maybe that's where they are hiding! ♥
Oh house projects are ever so welcomed when they start and then it's more like when is this going to end! There will be an end to it I promise. I sure do love your tales of just not being able to forget about something so you must purchase it or else! You did good I love your newest collection of treasures. ox, Diane
I'm ooohhing and aaahhing all over the place looking at your super finds. The baby card is priceless!
Leslie S. in MN
esclante at comcast dot net
I don't know how I missed this fabulous post! I've just been so busy, have not had time to visit all the blogs they way I want to these past couple of weeks. Your new Irmi pieces are so cute! And I love all the sweet vintage cards you found. I wish they still made them like that. Yes, all spoiled rotten (like mine) kitty cats need pretty little saucers to eat from. That is such an adorable kitten illustration.
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