Time to pull back the curtains and tame this years Christmas captures. Whatever has been picked up at thrifts and sales has been placed in a cabinet for later pilfering. Since I have a day of contractor babysitting there is no better time than the present. It is like finding these goodies all over again...
Just as fun as sorting buttons. I use these small condiment containers to keep them safe and at hand.
Paper pretties and graphics galore. That's what I keep in my toolbox.
With the glue gun warm I had to try out some new ideas.
Irmi mobile angels mixed with vintage greens, reflectors, and glass ornaments.
My first attempt at a Patriotic Christmas...
Reflectors, spun heads, glass beads, aluminum glitter and floral signs.
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
Beautiful cherub faces dotted with glitter and snow!
On a side note...I would like to say that I clearly have gone into the wrong profession. As motherhood is all consuming and there is never a day off I watch bewildered, angry, jealous, and astounded as my painting crew of two arrive at the very grand time of 1:00pm...take a smoke break in their car (that I had to help jump start yesterday) around 2:30pm...and pack up and leave for their presumably finished home at the very late time of 4:00pm.
I knew I should have just done it myself...I would have been done by now!

I want to bring my glue gun over and play with you. Hang in there with the contractors.
Oh boy that is the wrong painters. Personally I will tell you the story of the painters we had here once, I think it will top yours lol..love your new Christmas projects going there.
Oh gosh, Renee! I want to come and play at your house! (after those horrible painters leave, of course!) LOVE all those Christmas finds & what you're doing with them, my friend!
Hoping things are better tomorrow...just keep that glue gun going & you'll be fine!
Wow, what a joke those contractors are!! I hate when they take advantage of home homers!!!I love the Christmas crafting ideals. I am with Kim, can I bring my glue gun and come play too!! We should do a trip next year and spend the week crafting with each other!! Would that not be a fun time??? Enjoy your weekend!
Seriously? I'd be hunting for a new crew!!
Your creations are so cute! It must have been fun to dig in and get started. You have such an eye for putting things together in a way that is so charming.
Calm thyself, oh weary woman! No one ever does anything as well as we can do ourselves, but it's not the point. Sometimes we just have to let go, and let the universe run it's course.
Keep all contracts, receipts, paperwork, etc., and when it starts peeling after this winter.....sue their scrawny A#%!!!!! LOL
Love ya'
It looks like you are having such a wonderful time playing with all your Christmas bits and bobs, creating fun new ornaments! Painters, carpenters, fix it guys.. they all show up late and take forever! Don't get me started.
Oh those sweet Christmas faces! {not the contractors} Maybe you could pull out your glue gun and your bottle of glitter and threaten them.....
I can see the headlines now. Happy Homemaker loses patience and hot-glues contractors to the porch pillars and decorates them with glitter for the holidays - LOL! Somebody must have twinkle lights on sale by now.
YES! Let it begin!
Oh! Your Irmi is very happy to have the glue gun taken to it! So cute, Renee!
Condiment containers! What a great organizing idea fro my buttons! Thanks!
Oh dear... I hate that contractors have such a bad rep but I know it's true. My sons are contractors and they try really hard to change that! My husband also did roofs, siding and windows in the past and the lady of the house would be so tickled when he showed up, cleaned up his mess and had good manners! (So sad that this was surprising to them!)
On the other hand, contractors have their horror stories, too. My husband would be so thrilled when he was shown respect, offered a cookie or simply got *PAID*! I'm glad those days are over for us now. ♥
look at you getting all creative and artistic again, well done my friend. i'm seeing an etsy storefront in your future. you owe it to your legions of fans.
best of luck with the crummy painter fellows. bob and i are convinced something about the painting profession attracts 'troubled' individuals. he's been known to come home from work and repaint everything behind one of our last painters. he was a sad soul and we didn't have the heart to fire him. we finally had pretty good luck with our finish carpenter, who took the painting gig b/c he didn't have any carpentry work lined up at the time. he's hard working, professional, extremely clean and a perfectionist.
It's SO hard to find good help, isn't it? No one wants to do a good days work anymore! I am absolutely in love with that patriotic ornament, and I just have to know if you are keeping it or selling?!
Absolutely charming Renee! You have given us all such wonderful ideas to make ornaments. These are so special! I keep the one you sent me out all year, it's just too pretty to tuck away. I am waiting for my Christmas paper in the mail as well. I'll be excited to see if it is the same paper. Elizabeth
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