This little packet of happiness came to me during the very cold days of winter. I spied it between the spines of dusty books at a local estate sale. Only the seal of the envelope had been broken. Sadly, the baskets were never put together. I do hope some little girl's heart wasn't broken.
Although my kids and I have never done May baskets we have done Boo! boxes similar to these at Halloween.
These look like they would make sweet Mother's Day place settings or even Easter.
And although the original are perforated...I am more than sure that a few creative scissor cuts will achieve the same results.
The originals are printed on 8 x 10 heavy card stock.
Even a little crepe paper ruffle would look beautiful on these vintage Hallmark beauties.
Happy May Day!
You can download the original size images here.

These baskets are sweet! I had to come over and tell you that I saw Jeanelle this morning and she showed me your needlebook -- it is way too adorable and my favorite colors! Great job on the swap! I'm so glad you joined in!
These baskets are just delightful. I have a special something for my Mom and these baskets are the perfect size. Thank you for sharing.
How very sweet!!! I never did anything on May day as a child that I can remember....wish I had made a couple of these sweet baskets!
Oh, what beautiful baskets! They would be pretty for so many occasions! Thank you for sharing your treasure!
No one in Arkansas has every heard of May baskets. When I lived in Kansas, we always made little baskets of construction paper, flowers and candy then hung them on the doorknobs and ran. It is one my favorite memories!
These are such beautiful May baskets!! Love all the pretty colors! What a great find!! Thanks for sharing!! Happy 1st day of May!! xo Heather
These are so sweet! I may make one for myself! Thanks...and hugs!
What a fun craft! Happy May Day to you!
These are just darling!
Oh my what sweet baskets. I hope you make some!
Oh how sweet! Thank you so much Renee! We DID do May Day Baskets in our neighborhood when I was little. Of course the ones I recieved were made of a styrofoam cup and a pipe cleaner handle...maybe a construction paper flower pasted to the front. lol. Now, the ones I GAVE...they were much more beautiful of course!! haha
Those baskets are so sweet! We made May Day baskets at school when I was a child & also had the May Pole dance, Queen of the May, etc. both at school and at church! That was a long time ago -haha! Thanks so much for sharing these sweet patterns!
When I was in grade school, Mom had us make May Day baskets for the neighbor ladies. It was so much fun! Love the ones you are sharing with us.
About the cutest thing ever - and definitely the cutest May Day project ever!
What a great find!
I remember doing May Basket when I was young.
Happy May Day to you!
Oh, these are so sweet - bravo to you for rescueing them
What a lovely little thing to make.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Very cute. Too bad people don't do May Baskets as much anymore. It's such a cute tradition. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
What a treasure you found..Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Oh! When I was a little girl in Seattle, May Day was a big deal! There was a May pole and a May queen and I LOVED leaving May baskets on the neighbor's porches! I will book mark this post so I can rember about these baskets! Thanks! ♥
love the may day basket inspiration, miss renee. darling. the girls love putting baskets together, and anonymously leaving them at neighbors doors. like a gentler version of 'ding dong ditching'.
Who wouldn't want a May Day basket like that? So cute.
Deearest Renee...I love your May Day post! It brings back some of the sweetest childhood memories for me! I grew up in the 1950s when it was a treat for all the neighbor kids to make cone shaped paper baskets. They were, lovingly, filled them with daisies, four leaf clovers, dandelions and mixed greens. We would hang them on our elderly neighbor's front door knobs, ring the bell and run and hopes of seeing them open the door to discover their surprise baskets.
Thank you for your treasured discovery, my sweet friend!
Carolynn xoxo
ps. Something orange is on it's way!
I remember this set of little hallmark may baskets so vividly . . . and can remember punching them out and filling them with the pink roses growing behind our home. I would hang one on our neighbors doorknobs, knock on the door and then hide and watch for the door to open! Thanks for the memory. :)
These are the cutest little baskets! I always wonder about unused vintage things too, because they were from a time when people were more frugal and didn't have a lot of extra stuff sitting around.
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