I knew something was wrong when I showed up to the estate sale and the cops were there. Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened. The first case was a shoving incident over a rare item between men. Dealers will do that in these small houses. This time it was a parking problem...and I purposely showed up late to let the crowd filter.
Two sales today caught my eye. So nice that they did not disappoint but I did have to dig and sift through a lot of dirt and dust to uncover these goodies.
This darling doll case was layered in grime at the top of a closet behind clothes.
This is the pile I brought home and quickly laundered. There was a lady ahead of me that had a beautiful pile of smaller patterns. Never the less I was pleased to have this lot.
The first estate sale was a former teacher who loved her holidays and kept everything neatly piled.
In the midst of the second sale...renamed "Police" there were piles of crap on dressers. I dug these out of the haystack. I counted 15 boxes of fabric between two rooms. Sixty percent of them were vintage feed sack. I had to control myself. Because the house was so unkempt it really stopped me from buying too much.
A little golden book that has never even been opened. The paper dolls are still intact. Hmm...I think I know someone that collects these pin baskets. This one is gorgeous.
Mercury glass picks for fifty cents...for the lot! This gorgeous piece of fabric has the feel of barkcloth.
Buttons and tin. I think I had more fun cleaning and sorting them.
Pink trash can buried in the garage now houses my magazines. I will be packing my lunch tomorrow in this oh so cute Thermos lunch box. Menu---buttons, of course.

You found lots of lovely items in spite of the police and messy conditions! Good hunting skills!
You're a far better estate shopper than I! I would have filled my car to the ceiling with fabric (and then have to deal with it later). Love the pieces you scored!
Happy to report I haven't yet been to an estate sale where the police were involved!
What wonderful finds!! I love the little suitcase...and your Mike and Melissa book never opened!! So lucky I found one about a month ago, dolls were gone but the clothes all there!
Really, police? Crazy!! You my dear scored on such great finds!! Love all the fabrics, and Christmas goodies!! That lunchbox is adorable, and will be the perfect home for buttons!! I would have loved to see the feedsacks!! xo Heather
Great finds.......love the paper doll book.
Wow, I can't even say what I like the best. Bravo to you for "digging in" and finding the good stuff. And you got buttons - the icing on the cake!
Renee, I have an old vintage dress made out of that pink fabric. It was never finished. I paid only one dollar for it!
You find some great stuff at estate sales!
Renee I am so excited. You found some really great treasures. The feed sacks are GREAT. OH my gosh I wish I could find a bucket load of feed sacks. Lucky girl.
DANG. DANG. DANG...that looked like awesome estate sales and you totally scored. Making me wish for a good one...
I have been at an estate sale where police where involved. The house had been broken into during the night and the police had to fingerprint and take evidence. Delayed the opening of the sale. The thieves also knew which items were of more value as everything was priced to sell.
SCORE!!!!!!!! Girl, you did GREAT!!! Fabric, buttons and treasures, oh my!!!
Never had the police at any sales. however some guy wanted wasn't nice to my hubby. Called him "pip squeak" and I think was ready to hit him...MEN!!!
I hope to find some goodies tomorrow..it's a road trip for a sale that looks pretty good!
I see you have the kitty case to my puppy case!
Ohhhh, sorting buttons!! Fun! They look so cute in the muffin tins. I'd have to just look at them for a bit before using them, they're so colorful.
Well needless to say you found some wonderful treasures, sounds like it was quite an experience.
LOL "Piles of Crap On Dressers" ! haaa Love it!
I think you picked out everything I would have at these sales! What cute things! I had just decided that I wasn't going to look for Estate Sales tomorrow...and then I see this post!! Now I have to rethink my schedule.
Happy For You!
OMG, I am soooo jealous,look at those sweet button cards! I know what you mean by dirty, but aren't you gonna kick yourself from not buying more! You probably won't be able to sleep thinking about all the treasures you passed up! But, what you got is to die for!!! Good picking Renee, can you tell, I am soooo excited, wish I was there, Marilyn. I never see goodness like this, sigh.
Great finds! Love the buttons and tin!
That is such a cute case with the kitten. And the button cards are adorable. <3
Amazing how childish people become over items. But as long as the item is touching even one of my finger tips it belongs to ME. LOL
Great haul!
SQUEAL! You did so well!! I can not believe all the feedsack that you found let alone all the amazing goodies. I'm so happy for you. Well done, my friend.
wonderful finds! I need to live near you and tag along on these trips! Or.. just open up our pennysaver and see where the sales are around here! lol
Happy Friday!!!!!!
Wow what gorgeous things you bought today and so much pretty colour. I have never been to an estate sale i wouldn't even know how to go about finding one. Those fabrics look so pretty. dee x
Cute doll case and the graphics on those button cards are just too sweet!
OMG, I'm drooling. Again! Think I need to pack up immediately and move to your town! The loot you manage to find is amazing.
I've been to a Police sale once. Two women were fighting over bras. Can you imagine?!
Oh my goodness, that dolly case and that fabric. I would just spend all day playing with that fabric, ironing and folding and unfolding. Your head must be spinning with all of the possibilities for that fabric!!!
Oh, what wonderful treasures you found and lol about the police having to be called. Amazing :)
Happy weekend!
Boy when the police get involved it must really be a doozy! At any rate, you really found some great stuff! I love the baking tins! I just wonder what you will be inspired to make with the pretty fabric?
I love your fabrics and all your pretty buttons. What great finds.
WOW, Renee, you hit the jackpot! What a fantastic sale (even with all the shenanigans!) and such charming treasures. I don't think I would have been able to practice as much restraint as you did with the vintage feedsacks. :)
Carolina Country Living
Wow!!! I never find sales with vintage fabric. Those are fabulous! As was all of your finds. Send some of that good thrifting mojo my way please. 'Brimfield Flea Market' will be rolling through my town (in Massachusetts) next week. Lots of good fun.
Wow! Where do u live? We don't hv estate sales like this around here in central Illinois. I hv been to lots of sales but Never found such goodies as you do. I'm envious. :) I love all the stuff you do and more. LOL! Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful vintage finds....a great reward for your labor :) Blessings
I'm seriously drooling! Since E won't let me come visit her, I'm gonna' have to come visit you. Would you be willing to put up a large, loudmouthed, snore monster coming to visit? Did I mention I eat just about everything in sight? I do have some manners so hopefully that will make up for my other shortcomings.
Love ya'
Hi Renee,
I am in awe of the treasure that you unearthed! (And, since "dirt & dust" were mentioned...I think the word "unearthed" seems appropriate!)
And, just look at those dreamy fabrics! What amazing aprons they would make...Ahh...what wonderful "diamonds in the rough" you have discovered!
Carolynn x x x
Renee, I felt I was along with you for this post! Any moment waiting for the police to shoo me away. I have never been to an estate sale, I just can't imagine that people have such treasures accumulated - WOW! So happy for your rewards! Elizabeth
What wonderful goodies! You'll have to show that book soon- I'm dying to see what that looks like inside! I also love the little lunch box at the end!
I haven't found good buttons for ages! Pretty fabric, too. I've only ever seen the cops show up for traffic control and parking problems - yikes!
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