After years and years of trying to work through an ulcer, my ulcer won. Foods that I have loved like tomatoes and oranges, pineapples, anything high in acid have had to be removed and replaced. Hello, bland banana. Decaf coffee, oh how I wish you had that zing. Most of all my once a day glass of Dr. Pepper. My only vice. I stopped drinking alcohol years ago but my love of Dr. P has been hard to break. On top of it all I broke out in a four day spree of migraines. Yeah me...head pain that can only be described as an old drill that someone manually churns into the corner of your eye socket for hours on end.
A week later...I have found fantastic changes. My Dr. Pepper is being replaced with tea and natural honey decaf of course. I am loving my juicer with a bit more bland juice. Best of all my boys are joining me at the gym. Tonight its Racketball with my oldest.
I haven't slept this well since I was a teen and I am slowly gaining energy. I have already dropped a medication under Dr. Dan's care.
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. I love all the sweet comments. I am going to take this last weekend and heal to 100% and get back to blogging next week.
The shop is open again.

I'm glad you are on the mend. It's important to take care of yourself. It's too easy to put the kiddos first. I've missed you. Hugs.
SO glad you're on the mend. I also have that darned Dr. Pepper a day habit and have tried breaking it for years. Good for you. Maybe I'll be able to do it now! Take care and rest up.
Great to hear you've turned the corner! Nothing like a little diet change and some exercise to help make you feel better! I have started swimming in the evenings again and boy I feel lots better...even after just two weeks! Looking forward to seeing your posts next week! Best Chris
Glad to hear it's something that's fixable! I had to go on the BRAT diet last winter (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast); I lost five lbs in a week! I was worried about's amazing, my 'imaginary friends' affect me as much as my live in person friends! Take good care and maybe someday you can have the other Dr. back in your life! I love Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper, it tastes like sugar pop!
take care!! I am also working on diet changes! Glad you are feeling better!!
Glad you are feeling better! How well I know that migraine pain! My neurologist took me off all citrus fruits as they can be triggers for migraines! Only 1 cup of coffee in the morning and no other caffeine all day.. Glad you are on the road to recovery have a stress free and fun weekend!
Good to hear, your doing much better! Have fun playing racket ball, that's so much fun! Take care, Blessings, Holly
I am glad you are starting to do better. I hope you start feeling 100% very soon!
When I changed my diet and quit eating as many carbs, I noticed a lot of difference in acid reflux being eliminated altogether. It takes some changes to see what works for each of us. I'm proud of you!
So glad you're feeling better. Changes are on the horizon for me too with many of the things you mentioned. Exercise is especially yuk. Glad you have someone to go with you.
I'm glad you're feeling better! I've missed you. Rest up, eat well ... oh, wait, you live with a doctor! You don't need me for that! Take care, friend!
So sorry Renee. Such a blessing to hear you are doing better! We juice everyday, and it is great! Have you ever heard of the Juice Lady-Cherie Calbom. She has some great books/juice recipes. Praying for you and wishing you a restful weekend! I have definitely missed you! xo Heather
Yay! Glad you're feeling better! ♥
So glad to hear things are coming around for you. You know you we can fix so many things by what we put inside our bodies and when you find the right combination you are a winner. And exercise we really can't live well without it.
I'm so glad you are feeling better! Take care and have fun with your boys.
It's nice to hear that you are feeling better and on the mend. Take extra good care of yourself.
Renee, I was so sad to read in a comment you left on someone's blog that you suffered from migraines. I am so sorry this interrupts your normally happy days. I am so glad you are feeling more yourself. Continued rest sounds like the best Rx! Be well! Elizabeth
Take care, Renee. This post gives an extra meaning to 'mending.' Nothing better than being able to sleep well! xo
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better- what a lot to deal with in just a few days' time! It sounds like you are making some good changes though, so maybe the toughest part is over with....!
O my glad your getting better, I know about leaving things behind with my panic disorder I haven't touched coffee period or chocolate and Pepsi...which I terribly miss...You will be okay...with love Janice
Dear Renee,
How wonderful to finally discover what it is you need to do to feel well again. Praise God.
Be well my friend, you have lots of thrifting to explore!
Ive had an ulcer before and also suffer from gerd. I take nexium. I have to say it is a miracle drug. If I dont take it in the morning.. I will suffer from heart burn that day.
I hope your ulcer heals quickly! I'm gettign ready to jump back into a healthy eating and exercising lifestyle again. (as soon as I finish the junk food thats in the house! LOL!!)
have a great weekend!
You poor thing...having migraines for so many days..and an ulcer...I was given a "list" of no-no foods after my kidney stones, NO COLAS! Bye-bye diet coke!!! The changes are really for the best!
Take care!
I am so sorry to hear this, but what a wonderful change it is bringing about!! So there is a Blessing that has come from it. :) Will be praying for you.
Wishing you happy and healthy days ahead, Sweet Renee!
Hugs, Patti
Dearest Renee,
I am so sorry to hear how ill you have been. Migraines, ulcers...Oh, my goodness! You've been a very sick girl!
Please take it easy and don't push yourself as you return to your blog. I miss you to pieces, but, I want you better, first!
Blessings and big hugs,
Carolynn xo
So so been sorry you have been sick. I know about the headaches. They are so mean! I am glad you found out why you were sick. Now you can start feeling so much better. Hope you have a quiet, healing weekend and I look forward to seeing you back as soon as you are able! <3 (((hugs)))
Renee it is so good to hear from you. Looking forward to your posts. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
So glad to see you back! Hope your sleep continues to improve! Love your blog!
Onward and upward to 100%, but oh, you and I both share that same Dr. Pepper vice and I feel for you!
Renee, I am so glad you are improving. I so feel your pain about the Dr. P. What is in that stuff that is so addicting? I am writing this comment as I gulp Diet Dr. P from my I gave up soda this past week and it lasted for 3 days. Oh, well, there is always tomorrow.
Renee, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. I have missed you. Take your time and take good care of yourself!!
I'm so sorry you have not been feeling well. Double ouch, with ulcer and migraines. So glad that the change in foods seems to be helping. Have a great weekend with your family.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Ulcers are nasty to deal's good that you're in such loving hands.
Before my colon resection, I lived on chicken broth and cottage cheese. I try to be careful but it's hard to resist tomatoes!
Be well Renee
Ah girlfriend, I'm so sorry!!!! While I've been off chipping away at my crafting crud, you've been under the weather. Please know that I am sending you healing thoughts immediately, and a huge hug. I am, however, my money tree getting watered??? ;o)
Love ya'
P.S. If you haven't tried carrots and apples in your juicer yet, do's so yummy!
I don't know what I'd do without my coffee! I am glad to hear you are feeling better, Renee. Isn't it amazing how a diet change can energize you? Glad to hear you are better!!
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