A hometown can be a tricky thing for a girl who moved frequently as a child. While I spent my elementary years on the shores of Lake Houston in Texas and junior high hold up in big city of Dallas. It was the move to Kansas that made the biggest impression on me.
Only ten miles from Missouri this Kansan is proud to be on the "right" side of the state line. The Jayhawk side. Not quite in the Kansas City limits. (yes there are two KC, KS and KC, MO) we have been residents of Overland Park for almost 24 years.
A little slice of city meets country. A place you can find a Nordstrom and a few corn fields. Home to many nomads from all over the country who now call it home and a few who grew up here and moved away...Jason Sudekis, Paul Rud, and Rob Rigle. (Spelled incorrectly on purpose as to not draw the wrong crowd.)
I would never trade the season that we have in Kansas and head back to Texas for all the bluebonnets I could hold. Although we may not have a true yellow brick road we do have a field full of sunshine should you ever feel gloomy.
Thank you Tammy for hosting a wonderful swap...and for bringing back a few fun memories.
Mending Monday will return next week.

As always way cute! :)
It's nice to hear about your home town. I didn't know you had some roots in Texas, though. Cute tags. Glad you're back!
I didn't know you could capture sunshine on a paper card...but by golly you did it! So lovely and filled with your warm memories. I'm so glad we are able to share the places that we love. =D
Your tags are adorable. I lived in Leavenworth for 2 years from 2007-2009 and really liked it. I could live there again.
Loved hearing about your hometown! So neat, and your tags are simply beautiful!! xo Heather
Oh so sweet!! Looking forward to having you and Monday Mending back.
This card is indeed sunshine! Hope you are feeling better, so sad about the Dr. Pepper, what next?
What a great story! I love learning all about the 'tag traders' who tell us the stories of their lives in tags! So, do you have a southern accent!?
What sweet Hometown Tags!!
Welcome back, enjoyed your post today!
So glad you're back, Renee!
LOL Tammy asked you before I got a chance! Do you have a southern accent then? Because of course Tammy and I DO NOT have Minnesota accents! ;)
Your tag is super cute!
I moved all over as a child as well- I don't really identify ANY town as my hometown!
Sweet tags you made- I love the little girl image, and I love the little rocking chair I spy in the background, too!
I think Kansas would be lovely (I have never been there!). Your tags sure are. At first I thought you'd made a quilt. Those squares are just adorable.
I love hearing home town histories! I've spent more time living in Wa. state than any other but my 11 years in Texas made the biggest impact on my speech! My five years in Michigan and 4 years in vriginia seasoned my speech as well. I hate it when people ask where I'm from because I know they are hearing my southern life but if I say I'm from Wa, they don't believe me!
Your talents never cease to amaze. I also love knowing a little bit more about your past. Adorable tags...as expected.
I love all of the sunshiney yellow in this post, Renee. I'm not ready to let summer go! Loved hearing about your hometown, and where you call "home" now!
hey Renee - I moved around alot as a child and LOVE how my boys have lived here all their little lives. Your work is beautiful as always - so cheery (chipper in fact!)
Hope you are well
fee x
Hi Renee,
Darling tag! Love the color! I've lived in MN all my life. I hope you are feeling better!
Yep, you said it, I HEART Overland Park, from the other OP blogger! We moved here 12 years ago and it has been by far the best place I have ever lived. And while I will always remain a diehard HUSKER fan, I occasional root for those Jayhawks (but only in basketball!) :)
So sweet Renee, your tags are adorable I can't wait to be getting one :) :) xo Holly
Your tag is so cute.
Somehow I missed this post. I think you've summed up OP beautifully. :-)
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