Finishing off last weeks set with the tea and time theme. These following images provoke warm memories of a pink and green kitchen of the 50's. When meals were shared with family and friends around the kitchen table. Then chores were divided up among the siblings.
My Mamaw's mixer was yellow and black...just like this.
Download image here.
These grinders are still my favorite...always better than the new rocket fad plastic X&*!)(*...
Download image here.
If I could find a coffee carafe like this my mother would spend a whole day telling me how much better the coffee tasted when made this way.
Download image here.
Ho rs derv's?
Download image here.
What self respecting hostess didn't have a wooden bowl and salad tongs?
Download image here.
These images are so much fun to rifle through. I do hope you don't grow tired of them. I have filled an entire four inch binder with them. Each page more impressive than the one before it.

How fun are the salad tongs with the face in the handle? These images are just wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Such cute images! That's not fondue, you young whipper snapper! It's a chafing dish! I'm thinkin' some more embroidery is in order at my house!
Thanks for giving us the freebies!
That coffee cup with the long eyelashes is just darling. You make me almost want to pick up a needle and thread.
What wonderful images. I would love to embroidery some tea towels one of these days with cute images like these. Love the smiles in all of them!
Get tired of them! Are you kidding, I love these!! Keep them coming my dear!! These are so sweet!! Have you ever heard of the Chemex coffeemaker. It looks sort of similar to that one, but it is all glass. There is a special filter that goes in the top, you put the ground in, and hot water, and soon you have the best cup of coffee ever! I love mine! Anyways, have a great night!! xo Heather
Renee your images are so cute. My grandmother and my mom had a coffee pot just like that. Thank you so much for sharing my sweet friend.
I absolutely love the images. Thank you for sharing them with us!! The grinder is my favorite!
These are too cute - and a 4 inch binder full, oh my gosh! I don't know how you will decide where to begin.
Hi my sweet friend!
I could never tire of looking at your whimsical embroidery patterns! I'm one of those ladies that stay forever in antique and thrift hopes of unearthing vintage sewing and embroidery patterns! I sat in one position last summer in an antique shop on the Oregon Coast and thumbed through old postcards..for about two hours! I could hardly stand up straight after pouring over the amazing treasures! And, yes, I spied and purchased some gems. (One of these days I will post some of them on my blog).
Thank you for your generous heart and for sharing these adorable patterns, Renee!
Carolynn xoxo
There's something about the anthropomorphic kitchen utensils that crack me up. Who wouldn't love a smiling coffee carafe? :-)
We had all that stuff years ago in fact the grinder I still have as it belonged to my mom.
Thanks for all the sweet memories Renee!
So much fun!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
How sweet these all are. I love the one with the teacup! I dont think anyone is going to get tired of them. Have a great day Renee!
Love this post. I have so many of those old transfers and so many projects in mind for them - but just not enough time. Thanks for the very nice comment on my new studio and Hailey's area. I realized this morning when I signed on to my blog what a cruddy picture I put up so I am going to try to get a better one. I also realized I still had the pillowcases just pinned up there so I am going to fix that right now. Ooops. Oh well, I was in a hurry so I guess I didn't notice it. I do love how this room is turning out. I also love that book, Hailey is planning on making every single thing in it. We are going to blog about it as she goes, we decided to call it "Hanging' with Hailey" and maybe some moms and grandmas will be inspired to get teaching their daughters and granddaughters our skills. I just feel so blessed about the whole thing.
aahhh such a lovely post and such great images ;-)dee x
What a cute post. I love this. Love kitchen vintage stuff, embroidery images...hmmm...this might be good for a new project.
Love your blog.
I love these images, especially the first. Sure tells a story doesn't it? Hope you are having a gorgeous day.
Adorable! Reminds me of my grandmother's perfect 1950s pink kitchen.
CUTE!! I love the salad dish design with Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper! :-) My best friend still uses a grinder just like that.
thank you so much for the lovely prints! i would never tire of them, keep 'em coming!
thank you so much for the lovely prints! i would never tire of them, keep 'em coming!
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