Just another day in suburbia here...almost. After all the kiddos were dropped off at their respective schools I decided I would have a bit of me time. It is my birthday after all. I have reached the age where I don't need a celebration and lavish gifts. The day is gift enough.
An amazing assortment of children's hankies were gifted to me by my best friend.
Along with the children's hankies she gave me this lovely handful of vintage handkerchiefs. It has been such a pleasure going through each and every one of these. Thank you Amy.
Trims in such wonderful sizes and styles. Crochet that is so peachy perfect and a book with vintage trim designs.
Nursery vest all hand sewn. Sweet addition to my tiny tales. Oh so cute 45's.
Tin toy Christmas dishes. I can't wait to display.
The most amazing find of the day was this wonderful huge embroidery pattern. It must have been mail ordered. The envelope had no date and was metered. Even stranger there was no address just the name, town and state. Fortunately for me it was never used. I forked over a full dollar for this beauty. The image above is just the small detailed image on the paper. The actual stitching image is enormous and has a floral border.
Of course there were far too many things on the schedule today to celebrate with dinner. We will try to get out this weekend as a family. Fall baseball has started and is in full swing. Boy scouts continues all year round and at long last it is a school night. It is just another day in suburbia here. No matter how many vintage items I bring in whenever I pull out of the driveway I am surrounded by track homes and black SUV's...back to my stitching tomorrow.

happiest of birthday wishes to you, my friend. love your vintage finds, especially the hankies. may you be especially blessed this coming year.
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday Dear Friend Renee...Happy Birthday to you!!
Wow what awesome gifts you recieved.Those kind are always my favorites!! I pray you ate something today that made you smiled. That you were sung to...and you were given lots of hugs.
Here is one from me...HUG..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Hope you have the happiest of birthdays today. I love those hankies, especially looked at the ones that said 'lipstick' on them trying to figure that out.
Happy Birthday to you. What lovely gift's. I love your blog it is very beautiful. You are so talented.
Happy Birthday!
What wonderful vintage goodies! How sweet of your friend to give you the hankies!!Those are great!
BTW, I do agree with you on my border!
Happy Birthday, wow what wonderful gifts your friend gave you, I think she knows just what you like. Wishing you a very Happy Year! Hugs & Kisses, Diane
Happy birthday and many, many more. So much junk, so little time - LOL! These are great treasures!
Loving all of your vintage goodies but I especially love all the hankies!! So pretty!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I shouted it as I typed so you could hear me! Sounds like you had a great time digging for vintage finds. I love the embroidery state pattern. I have something very similar that is a framed print of the state flowers and a map. It is dated 1911. I should do a post on it - here is info on mine.
Happy Birthday have a wonderful day. I love your hankies what a sweet friend. And those christmas tins are so sweet and that first 50's pattern is gorgeous. Have a lovely week, dee x
Continued birthday blessings! I'm glad you were able to squeeze in some treasurer hunting on your birthday.
Hope your birthday was perfect, Renee! Lucky lady you ~ those vintage hankies are lovely!
I sure hope you had a lovley Birthday!!! LOVE the hankies you rec'd as a gift from your friend:) WOW !!!
Nice finds too! Haven't seen a child's Christmas plates before! Very cool!!!
Thanks for visiting me!
LOL about "suburbia" ...
deb :)
Happy Renee day! I hope you're surrounded with love! ♥
Happy birthday - wow what great finds, you must be thrilled!
Happy Birthday Renee! Hope you can make it a birthday week :-) I am now on the lookout for those little candy cane dishes - I've never seen those before and they are too cute!
Best wishes for a wonderful birthday!
A belated Happy Birthday! What treasures you found and recieved!!!! I think that is a perfect gift! I know how you feel....when I am in my home, I feel like I am taking a step back in time. Then I go outside and reality hits....not always fun.....Have a great rest of the week Renee!!!!!
Happy Birthday Renee! What a great way to spend your day, looking for vintage treasures! I can't wait to see those tin plates again at Christmastime. SO cute! Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday again this weekend!
Happy Birthday Renee. What great hankies you got from from Amy. You have found great treasures. So glad you had a great Birthday.
Happy birthday to you, Renee!!! It looks like you received some really lovely vintage goodies!!
Happy Birthday! Wonderful vintage goodies...never saw that USA pattern before - very cool.
Happy Belated Birthday. You got some very sweet gifts.
I subscribe to your blog posts and just got it in mail today. Sorry for being late to wish you a Happy Birthday.
I hope you had a MOST happy birthday! I love your beautiful treasures! The children's hankies are very precious! I just found your blog...I was on Musings from Kim! LOVE everything you post about! ♥
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