It dawned on me last night while everyone was sleeping soundly, with my frequent thrifts and sales I might appear to some as a bit of a shop-a-holic. I dare burst that bubble. I abhor shopping. Retail therapy is far from relaxing for me. I am more of a staples kind of gal.
For instance, last week at my husbands dinner party a fellow guest explained how excited she was to have her new three hundred dollar jeans. Immediately I began to compute how many vintage finds I could possess with that amount. Seriously, that is nearly my six month budget for flea marketing.
I would call my fashion style Granimals. Remember those? Solid color t-shirt, cardigan and jeans. If I need to spiff it up I'll add a vintage brooch.
Vintage "thrifting, sales, markets" that is not shopping. It is treasure hunting.
Saving the past. Reusing, recycling, budgeting....
My day spent thrifting is always budgeted (unless there is piece I must have and it hasn't happened yet).
Usually only going once or twice a week.
Constantly sorting and sending items in and out.
While I have no plans to ever purchase a pair of ridiculously priced jeans...and yes I stood there thinking my goodness that is price of an amazing piece of antique furniture that you could pass down from generation to generation.
I assure you the one thing I have no problem buying and paying full price for is great fabric. Don't even get me started on why it is okay to do that!
My total for today...$24.57
Uncle Wiggly was a gift from the dealer.

I love to shop, but enjoy the bargain shopping...TJ Maxx, Nordstrom Rack etc. You will never find a pair of jeans that $$ on me. I like the thrill of the hunt at the estate sale too - getting things for a quarter or a dollar. I RARELY pay big bucks, I thrill in the thrifty nature of life!
Oh, Renee - I love this post so much. My fashion mantra is 'try to blend in.'
Very low maintenance here. Pants, shirts, shoes, appropriate for the weather, funerals, and an occasional nice dinner out.
I'd much rather go treasure hunting than shopping. :-)
First of all it would take $300 worth of fabric to cover my A**, so I wear elastic waist shorts and lot's of t-shirts from Walmart. I won't spend over $20 on shoes, and in fact the last big purchase of clothing I made was for my daughter's wedding 2 years ago where I spent a $15 on the dress, $20 on the sweater and $18 on the sandals....all from Walmart. My high stylin', fashionista daughter (who has spent close to $300 on jeans) actually approved of my outfit and thought I was pretty. However, I am awesome at dressing other people and have impeccable taste when using other's money. Being able to satisfy the extremely high fashion expectations of both of my daughters is quite easy for me and if any of you out there have teenage know it's near impossible!
Girlfriend, even your 6 month, $300 limit for treasure hunting sounds extensive for me right now, but I do admit that I've been known to spend up to $300 in one month for crafting supplies and not lose sleep over it.
It all comes down to my inner obligation to beautify the world with my crafts....whether anyone else shares this belief or not is a moot point. I am, therefor I must create!
Love ya'
I would never in a million years spend 300.00 on a pair of jeans... but I will admit that i spend money. I buy "stuff". craft stuff and house decorating stuff.. and magazines though I can honestly say that since the internet and pinterest, I dont have the same urge to buy them as I used too.. plus I have sooo many of them and such a bad memory that I can keep rotating them and looking at old ones and they feel like brand new ones!
I like to go treasure hunting too.. and to doll and bear shows.. Sometimes I really can convince myself that I have enough and dont need anything else.. thats about the time I decide to buy craft supplies instead! lol!
LOVE your kitty!!!
Oh my I totally agree with you. I can not imagine spending that kind of $$ on jeans I even love to shop at pay less for my shoes. But I am so in love with fabric. I can not remember when I have been cloths shopping all my money has been for going treasure hunting. Hope you are having a great week.
Such a darling post! Awwww your kitty is so adorable too. Hope you're having a great week.
Take care,
$300.00 for jeans? Ridiculous! Especially when our Goodwill has some of the most expensive jeans out there ( I have bought miss me's, true religions and simon millers for my kids at G Dub) I was mad that the goodwill recently raised the price of their jeans to $7.99 HAHA!
I'm not a woman who cares about name brands on jeans or anything in clothing for that matter. I'm never spent $300. on any form of clothing. I spend lots of money but not on that. Really I'm just not the type to care and I think it's rather foolish actually. I love your bargain shopping it's so fun isn't it.
Oh my gosh! This is funny. As I sit here in my (one of many) solid color t-shits, jeans, and a cardigan from Old Navy...I can totally relate! If I need to spice things up, I throw a scarf on too! That's it. The funny part is, my identical twin sister would totally spend $300.00 on a pair of jeans. And she wouldn't step foot in a thrift store. Where as I find thrifting and fleamarketing pure joy! Some people just don't get it! :) Thanks for the cute post!
If I never had to go clothes shopping again, I'd be happy! But, I am all for the hunt on thrift store buys! Love your new finds, take care, Marilyn.
I would never pay that for jeans!! Lovely pussy cat! :)
I always have a budget when I go thrifting and am quite strict with myself. Can't imagine paying that amount for an item of clothing!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
My sentiments exactly! Very rarely do I spend money on anything other than staples for my business; thankfully, this brings us an abundance of joy, right?!
Bargin shopping is the best kind of shopping. This post speaks to all of your blogging pals. I love your latest acquisitions. I also adore how Regan is giving your goodies her blessing.
I do the same thing when I am at the mall and I see the price tags. $32 for a little dress for Sammi? I could buy 32 dresses at Goodwill for goodness sake!
Renee, I agree with you completely, especially about the fabric! I love your kitty! I need to go shopping with you, you have an eye for such lovelies! :) xo Heather
I totally understand just what you are saying. 300.00 for jeans, No thank you. I won't even spend that on a purse. I am like you. 300.00 could buy some wonderful old vintage things! I spend money but I have a hard time letting go of a big amount like that. Oh the guilt would kill me.
I hate to shop. I could spend all day at a flea market, but you would have to drag me to the mall.
Your kitty is adorable.
I totally understand just what you are saying. 300.00 for jeans, No thank you. I won't even spend that on a purse. I am like you. 300.00 could buy some wonderful old vintage things! I spend money but I have a hard time letting go of a big amount like that. Oh the guilt would kill me.
I hate to shop. I could spend all day at a flea market, but you would have to drag me to the mall.
Your kitty is adorable.
Since I'm at the thrift stores so frequently looking for "treasures", I've begun doing my clothes shopping there as well. I hate spending full price on clothing, and when I do, it's usually someplace like Ross, etc.
Looks like some nice treasures that you found there!
I am SO on your wave length on this post. And I am not ashamed to admit that my treasure hunt extends to the clothes, as well. I like "the good stuff" and discovered long ago that the women who can afford things like $300 jeans do NOT wear out their clothes. They simply donate them and buy new for the next season. Works for me!
Like Kathy, my treasure hunting also extends to clothing from time to time. My very favorite jeans are $100+ new but I found them on ebay (in extra long, thank you) for a fraction of that. I'm definitely a (vintage) bargain hunter although I have to confess, I'm with you on the fabric ... but I do use coupons or shop the sale days at the fabric stores.
Great post!
i could never spend that much money on jeans...that's just absurd! i wouldn't want a fancy designer logo on my butt for everyone to stare at either!! ;)
i am totally fine spending money (in a thrifty manner) on treasures and fabric though!
Same here...I hate clothes shopping and don't care about labels or ridiculously over-priced jeans. I wear comfy tees and jeans from the Goodwill. True, I can spend quite a bit of money on great fabrics (way more than I have time to sew with) and I LOVE the treasure seeking at the thrift stores. It's probably a good thing that I never can get to Estate or yard sales on weekend mornings or I'd really have a crammed house...going to the thrift stores here is more like wading through the bad 1980s with the occassional cool vintage item or an ugly duckling whatever that needs a refreshed retro make-over. And, I always feel better that I am helping "people in need" with my purchases. :)
Okay after reading all the comments...we are all thrifty minded women. It sounds like we all love the hunt for treasures and we love to craft.
The real issue is what woman sits with a group of people and brags on how much she spent for her she has
Love your finds on the vintage cute!!
Hugs and squeezes..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
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